About us


Shivasan Nepal is the place where the world’s biggest metallic idol of lord Shiva, in position of meditation (Bhabasan), is located. It is 315 km west from Kathmandu- the capital of Nepal and 75 km north of Lumbini- the birth place of Buddha. Shivasan is spiritually so important and iconic as it is in the epicentre of world’s spiritual centers such as Amarnath to the west, Pashupatinath to the east, Mount Kailash- Manasarovara; the home of lord Shiva- to the north and Varanasi to the south and is captured by the River Kali Gandaki (The holy River) on her lap.

Our Mission

This gigantic and unique idol was imagined to transform the society through religion to promote tourism, to help eradicate poverty, promote cultural values and friendship, eradicate negative thoughts and attitudes, promote employment and economic growth and to establish permanent peace.